The National Association of EBD Schools (NAES) was formed in 1999 to enable Head Teachers within the BESD (Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties) sector (or SEMH – Social, Emotional and Mental Health – as it is now known) to join together to influence BESD issues locally, regionally and nationally. The principle aims and objectives that underpinned the organisation then continue to do so now: to express a collective SEMH voice, to provide peer support, and to promote the sharing of good practice at all levels within the SEMH sector.
Since its inception, the organisation has seen many changes, not least a change in name to engage in their future! Its development has, in part, been as a result of changes within the sector, but also because of the commitment of members. The benefits of membership have been enhanced as the National Committee has extended the scope and audience of its focus.
Find out more about membership