Archive Month: March 2020

13 Mar 2020

Zero Tolerance in Schools: Your Views

One of the members of the engage in their future Advisory Committee – Richard Boyle – has been tasked, alongside Lucy Atherton of IPSEA and Carol Kelsey Parent Carers Forum, by NSENDF to derive a think piece on Zero Tolerance in schools. As part of this they have been asked to circulate the following series of questions –

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  • Zero tolerance behaviour policies: what are they, and do they work?
  • Are they lawful?
  • What is their impact on children / young people?
  • What are the alternatives / evidence supporting alternative approaches?

Responses are required as soon as possible. Details will be shared with engage in their future, especially if information is presented on behalf of the organisation (though anonymity will of course be respected).

Please respond directly to Richard Boyle at –

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