Covid 19: Guidance for Schools

Covid 19: Guidance for Schools

Posted on May 18, 2020 by engage

The last few months have been unusual to say the least and there is no doubt that there are a few challenges still ahead. engage in their future will continue to collate and share relevant information and useful resources with colleagues to support best practice and provide guidance and advice. Every school and educational setting is unique but the information shared here will be helpful for everyone.

We are enormously grateful to NASS for collating, disseminating and sharing the essential and latest information throughout these challenging times. Their updates have proved to be an invaluable resource to so many and their support and hard work is hugely appreciated.

Latest Details (September 2020):

NASS Update_01.09.20


Archived Information:

Please be advised that the resources below may have been updated, revised or replaced since their initial publication and we recommend checking the latest Government and DfE guidance.

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

Summarised Govt Guidance (May 2020)

Opening Schools and educational settings to more pupils from 1 June: guidance for parents and carers

Shared Resources from NASS:

COVID-19 List of guidance and information – 11May2020

Covid-19 Safeguarding in Schools, Colleges and Other Providers

Decision Tree and advice Brown Jacobson

Coronavirus Workplace checklist PDF v3

Summary DfE safeguarding changes

Innovation Broking Covid-19 Webinar 04.06.2020

Octavia House – FAQs

Minister Ford’s open letter to SEND sector schools opening

NHS Test and Trace

Safer Recruitment Consortium

Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Those Working With Children and Young People in Education Settings (Addendum April 2020)

NASS Updates:

Colleagues will no doubt find these well-balanced and comprehensive reflections from NASS useful, especially as they also contain a number of useful online links –

NASS Update_15.05.20 

NASS Update_18.05.20

NASS Update_21.05.20

NASS Update_22.05.20

NASS Update_26.05.20

NASS Update_01.06.20

NASS Update_03.06.20

NASS Update_10.06.20

NASS Update_16.06.20

NASS Update_24.06.20

NASS Update_10.07.20

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