What's New?

04 Feb 2025

2025 National Conference – Save the date.

We are thrilled to announce that the 2025 National Conference…

Connecting the Dots: Holistic Inclusion for Children, Families, and Communities
šŸ“… 2nd June 2025
šŸ“ William Henry Smith School, Brighouse, HD6 3JW

Join us for Connecting the Dots, a conference dedicated to exploring holistic and inclusive approaches that support children, families, and communities. Through inspiring discussions, expert insights, and practical strategies, weā€™ll uncover how collaboration across education, health, and social care can create meaningful change.

More details to be revealed soon, including keynote speakers and workshops.

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03 Oct 2023

National Awards 2024

Thursday 2nd May 2024

Nominations for theĀ engage in their future 2024 National Awards can be submitted soon!

TheĀ engage in their futureĀ National Awards is a scheme that celebrates the amazing progress and achievements of students at the national network of member schools, inviting staff to submit nominations in recognition of their students’ accomplishments.

There are nine core categories available which recognise all types of progress and achievement –

  1. Outstanding Personal Progress
  2. Outstanding Achievement
  3. Outstanding Personal Resilience
  4. Good Citizen Award
  5. Innovation and Creativity
  6. Team of the Year
  7. Sports Student/s of the Year
  8. Leavers Success Story
  9. International Award

Judging is undertaken by an independent panel that take the individual circumstances of each child into account. The journey through SEMH education is unique to each student with each one at a different stage of their own personal journey. Acknowledging the context of the student’s accomplishments and progress is therefore essential to making sure each nomination is judged on its own merits, not against generic benchmarks or expected standards.

All nominees receive a certificate and those that are short-listed are invited to attend the annual National Awards Ceremony to be presented with their trophy.



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14 Sep 2023

Junior Football Tournament 2023

Following the success of the 'engage in their future' senior football tournament, The William Henry School are hosting a 7-a-side competition on 20th September 2023 for years 5,6 & 7

Teams from the Yorkshire & Humber region are invited to take part and can look forward to a fun and inclusive day with BBQ lunch, fun challenges with prizes to be won…..and of course the all important football!

Entry is free of charge, for further details please contact: joe.fitzpatrick@whsschool.org.uk

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15 Mar 2021

engage in their future on BBC One

Sharon Gray OBE, Education Consultant and Co-Opted member of the engage in their futureĀ National Commitee was a guest on BBC One’s The Big Questions on Sunday 14th March 2021.

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RepresentingĀ engage in their future, Sharon was asked to contribute to the conversation around whether or not our genes define us. Sharon spoke with knowledge and passion about the incredible work that engage in their futureĀ member schools do to develop trusting enabling relationships with children and young people who have experienced significant adversity or trauma and as a result have communicated that through their behaviour.

Sharon explained how integral the exploration and understanding of the neuro-science of learning and the biology of stress is to enabling staff better support students.

If you missed the show, it’s currently available on BBC iPlayer. Sharon’s contribution is around 36 minutes in but the discussion around the question of “is how we turn out due to our parents care or is it the result of the genes they passed on to us?” is well worth a watch.

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05 Mar 2021


London Regional Representative, engage in their future

engage in their futureĀ is looking to recruit a Regional Representative for the London region.

The voluntary position offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the work of engage in their future and to represent SEMH schools and other educational settings across the London region.

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Regional Representatives are expected to –

  • Actively support the leadership, direction and development of eitf at a national level for the benefit of its members.
  • Represent their region at the national level within eitf.
  • Provide regional support on behalf of eitf as a national organisation.
  • Identify and deliver regional, and support national, efforts to retain existing and recruit new member schools to eitf.

In return, the successful applicant will enjoy –

  • Extensive opportunities for informal professional development and networking.
  • Satisfaction of supporting students facing SEMH challenges and peers working with them, locally, regionally and nationally.
  • Scope to develop and shape the direction and impact of the organisation.
  • Being able to actively contribute to the collective voice representing SEMH education.

Required skills include –

  • Proven management, networking and communication skills.
  • Ability to identify key factors, make appropriate timely and well informed decisions, and identify possible impact on eitf and / or wider (SEMH) education framework.
  • Commitment to dedicate appropriate level of time, involvement and support to executing the role and liaising with colleagues.
  • Experience of the SEMH education sector and the wider education framework.
  • Ability to disseminate information, identify impact and communicate to colleagues either within their region or the National Committee.
  • Familiarity with, or experience of, eitf.

If you are interested in applying for the position of engage in their future London Regional Representative, or would like to receive further information about the role, please send us an email to engageintheirfuture@gmail.com

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04 Sep 2020

Lenny and Lily: wordless stories for primary school children

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As schools return, these two books from Beyond Words provide an invaluable resource to help children make sense of their experiences during the Coronavirus pandemic, communicate their feelings and prepare for more change as they go back to the classroom.

As the stories are told in pictures alone, it is not necessary for children to be able to read words to enjoy them. This means they are appropriate for pupils in both mainstream and special education settings.

Supporting text at the end of each story gives teaching staff and parents guidance on how to use the stories with children.

Both stories are structured around the 5 Losses and 5 Levers of the Recovery Curriculum – www.recoverycurriculum.org are available to download for free from: www.booksbeyondwords.co.uk/lenny-and-lily-childrens-stories.

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03 Sep 2020

St Edward’s School GCSE Press Release

Graham Maher, the new Headmaster of St Edwardā€™s SEMH School, Romsey has praised the results achieved by GCSE pupils.

To read the full press release, click here: St Edward’s press release 2020.

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30 Jun 2020

2020 National Creative Awards

Congratulations to everyone that took part in the 2020 National Creative Awards.

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In these unprecedented times, our connections have never been so important so the theme of the 2020 National Creative Awards – ā€œConnectionsā€ – proved to be very topical and seemed to really resonate with everyone that took part. This led to some incredible creativity, thought and effort across all the categories. Our congratulations to everyone that took part.

Results for the 2020 National Creative Awards were announced in early June and all participants were contacted to let them know the outcome of their entry.

A report on the 2020 National Creative Awards is available by to read and download: engage in the future 2020 NCA report.

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18 May 2020

2020 Football Tournament Report

Report from the football tournament hosted by Shenstone Lodge School

The second 2020 regional football tournament was hosted Shenstone Lodge School in early March with eleven schools taking part. The exceptional standards of fair play and team spirit evident at the first tournament continued, and there was plenty of football talent on show.

A report on the event is available to read here.

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18 May 2020

Covid 19: Guidance for Schools

Please click on the ā€œSee Moreā€ link below to view the full details.

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The last few months have been unusual to say the least and there is no doubt that there are a few challenges still ahead. engage in their future will continue to collate and share relevant information and useful resources with colleagues to support best practice and provide guidance and advice. Every school and educational setting is unique but the information shared here will be helpful for everyone.

We are enormously grateful to NASS for collating, disseminating and sharing the essential and latest information throughout these challenging times. Their updates have proved to be an invaluable resource to so many and their support and hard work is hugely appreciated.

Latest Details (September 2020):

NASS Update_01.09.20


Archived Information:

Please be advised that the resources below may have been updated, revised or replaced since their initial publication and we recommend checking the latest Government and DfE guidance.

Actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020

Summarised Govt Guidance (May 2020)

Opening Schools and educational settings to more pupils from 1 June: guidance for parents and carers

Shared Resources from NASS:

COVID-19 List of guidance and information – 11May2020

Covid-19 Safeguarding in Schools, Colleges and Other Providers

Decision Tree and advice Brown Jacobson

Coronavirus Workplace checklist PDF v3

Summary DfE safeguarding changes

Innovation Broking Covid-19 Webinar 04.06.2020

Octavia House – FAQs

Minister Ford’s open letter to SEND sector schools opening

NHS Test and Trace

Safer Recruitment Consortium

Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Those Working With Children and Young People in Education Settings (Addendum April 2020)

NASS Updates:

Colleagues will no doubt find these well-balanced and comprehensive reflections from NASS useful, especially as they also contain a number of useful online links –

NASS Update_15.05.20Ā 

NASS Update_18.05.20

NASS Update_21.05.20

NASS Update_22.05.20

NASS Update_26.05.20

NASS Update_01.06.20

NASS Update_03.06.20

NASS Update_10.06.20

NASS Update_16.06.20

NASS Update_24.06.20

NASS Update_10.07.20

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